On the evening of April 12, 2019, Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter and Wang Fan held event "Encounter of Images and Sounds" at DIYBAR.
Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter and Wang Fan are from two different worlds, regardless of their external geographic location or internal characteristics. But both of them are trying their best to express their true self in their own way: one with visual images and the other one with auditory sounds.
⌈ 李 捷 ⌋
李捷从六岁开始学习水墨画,从小耳濡目染何为力透纸背、以白当墨、以虚代实,从似懂非懂的听着到试着用画笔去表现具象和抽象,去表现自己对传统文化的理解。她的努力和从幼时就表现出来的艺术天赋使她在童年时期就获得了很多国家、地区的各种少年艺术奖项。 李捷以第一名的成绩考入中央美术学院壁画系,却毅然决然的决定去德国。她热爱写实,也具备非常扎实的造型功底,可是在那个时期对她而言这些都不是最重要的。她迫切希望找到突破自己的方式。
那时对她影响非常大的两个艺术家,一个是德国的李希特,一个是德国的博伊斯,但是20世纪末21世纪初的中国并不能找到很多关于这些艺术家的具体信息。很快,叛逆的她放弃了国内的一切,只身前往德国明斯特艺术学院,在德国开始了学习语言和了解欧洲艺术的学习生涯。这次展览的作品,是李捷在那个时期的创作中的一部分,也是李希特对她的创作影响最深刻的一个时期。而博伊斯对于李捷而言,正如释迦摩尼对她的影响—— 众生皆有佛性,人人都是艺术家。李捷此次选取了这个时期的作品,既是对一段时期的总结,是对“城市系列”、“态度“阶段的缅怀,也是开启她的下一个阶段作品的节点。
Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter has been studying ink painting since she was six years old. At a young age, she has learned how to penetrate the back of the paper, use white as ink, and use virtuality to represent reality. From listening inexplicably to trying to express concreteness and abstraction with a paintbrush, express her own understanding of traditional culture understanding. Her efforts and artistic talents that she showed from an early age have earned her various juvenile art awards in many countries and regions during her childhood. Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter was admitted to the Mural Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with the first place, but decided to go to Germany. She loves realism and has solid modeling skills, but these were not the most important things for her at that time. She is eager to find a way to break through herself.
At that time, two artists who had a great influence on Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter were German visual artist Gerhard Richter and German performance artist Joseph Beuys. However, at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, it was hard to find any specific information about these artists in China. Soon, she gave up everything in the country and went to Münster College of Art in Germany, where she started her language learning and European art studies. The works in this exhibition are part of Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter's creation during that period, and also the period when Richter had the most profound influence on her creation. Beuys for Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter has same degree of impact on her as Gautama Buddha ---- all beings have Buddha-nature, and everyone is an artist. Jie Li-Elbrächter selected the works of this period this time, which is not only a summary of a period of time, but also a nostalgia for the "City Impression" and "Attitude" series, and also a node that opened her next stage of work.
The dialogue between Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter and Wang Fan is not only at a surfaced visual expression of the similarities and dissimilarities between the two people of "Cigarette", "City Impression", and "Loneliness", but at a deeper level. It is a dialogue of expression and emotion.
"Many years ago I created a series of "Cigarette". At the age of 13, I left home to go northward. "Cigarette" at the very beginning, in a sense, is self-deception and self-protection ---- "I am a bad girl. Stay away from me. I am not afraid of anything." Later, it became a manifesto, "Are girls necessarily bad girls if they smoke? What if I am bad?" And then later became a partner of a lonely soul. When you are in a big city, the more bustling, the more lonely, the more you need to stay alone and think clearly. Looking for my soul and warmth in the little temperature and warm yellow that burned in those five minutes. When it goes out, tell yourself to return to reality, you are still alone. When cigarettes became dependent, I gave it up. I don't want to have any other dependence besides myself, whether it is material or spiritual.
We call many things art, painting, video, sculpture, installation, ready-made, sound, body language, VR, poetry, movie or a sigh. There are also a lot of articles and masterpieces discussing what art is. Once I saw a small graffiti in the corner of the street in the center of London, I thought it was special art, because it was particularly skeptical, and it was particularly stubborn and alone to question the entire value judgment system. And it's not that kind of loud, pretentious sensation. You can feel the author's randomness, simplicity, and persistence from his colors and strokes. I especially like it. I went back and painted graffiti on the wall of the San Martin Academy of Fine Arts. I do n’t know if I was found or not.
When I first met Wang Fan and her little bar, I felt that the combination itself was a artwork. Natural and special; casual and persistent. It has been small and secretly hiding there, proclaiming doubts about gender, music, drunkenness, money, and some kind of value judgment system. Sometimes many things seem to have no logic, it is that your life has not been profound and complicated enough. Sometimes it seems that nothing is actually enough. Time flies, who knows whether it is the moment of flying the cigarette butt. "
——Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter, written on the plane to Hong Kong in March 2019
⌈ 王梵 ⌋
⌈ Wang Fan ⌋
"As a Shanghainese who grew up in Xinjiang, my friends have always been a herdsman in the city," she said. "The most interesting thing about music for her is that more people can resonate with each other. " The music itself is storytelling. I am easily moved by minor chords in the melody of the music. This is because I have listened to too much Russian and Xinjiang local music since I was a child.
In the art of sound, you can feel the undulating development of emotions and the contrast and conflict of several emotions. It is for this reason that Li Jie chose a series that is more storytelling and expressive in her 30 years of creation. Music also has shape and portrayal, but unlike visual art, it is done in the association through sound comparison, and expression is always the dominant position. That's what Beethoven mentioned in his "Sixth Pastoral Symphony": "There are more expressions than sound pictures."
When we are in "Encounter of images and sounds", what we feel is not only the shock of sight or hearing but the expression and emotion of our hearts. It is a visual sense through paintings, a sense of hearing generated by music, a sense of smell mixed with the smell of tobacco, a taste of an exclusive purple cocktail exhibited, a sense of touch between people and people, and a different and deeper variety of touches produced by each person.
We don't want to define this exhibition with any kind of art genre or form, just like Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter and Wang Fan's "Undefined Character Undefinability". Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter's image is not necessarily "beautiful", Wang Fan's sound is not necessarily "good", and "dialogue" does not necessarily have to be a relative comparison and communication. Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter and Wang Fan's "Encounter of images and sounds" should be felt with the heart. We look forward to the display of Dr. Jie Li-Elbrächter's next series of works and Wang Fan's next album.